“There are Fundamental Difference and Comparison Between Linux and Windows”


              There are fundamental difference and comparisson between Linux and Windows. Linux is an example of Open Source Software Development and free Operating System (OS), and Windows is the family of operating system (OS) from Microsoft, which is the most famous OS in the world. There are basic difference and comparison between linux and windows that will always set them apart but this is not in the least, to say one is better then the other. It's just to say that they are fundamentally difference and comparison. Linux and windows have many compare and contrast, but many people looking from the view of one operating system or the other, don't quite get the difference and comparison between these two powerhouses.
            So, there are compare between Linux and Windows. First, both Linux and Windows are Operating System, but Linux has more special futures especially for college students in Informatics Engineering . Second, Linux and windows comes in many flavors. All the flavors of windows come from Microsoft, the various distributions of linux come from different companies (i.e Linspire, Red Hat, SuSE, Ubuntu, Xandros, Knoppix, Slackware, Lycoris, etc.). Third,  Like Windows, Linux provide GUI and Command Line Interface. The windows Gui is an integral component of the OS and is not replaceable. This can be a con when it comes to Windows 8' Metro, and Linux typically provides two GUIs, KDE and Gnome, But there are millions of alternatives such as LXDE, Xfce, Unity, Mate, twm, etc. Fourth,  Either Windows and Linux can recovery file. We can recovery file was file is deleted permanent or unpermanent, but maybe just 75 – 90 % file comeback with recovery process. Fifth, Windows and Linux have multimedia in many flavor.
            Then, there are contrast between Linux and Windows. First, Unlike Linux, almost all games are compatible with windows. Linux very few games available natively, some games can be played through wine, but often not all features are availabe but windows has some CPU intensive and graphics intensive are exclusive to make compatible all games. Second, Linux can be freely whereas windows can be expensive. Linux can be freely distributed, downloaded, distributed through magazines, book, etc but windows can be expensive for dekstop or home use. Third, Linux had about 60-100 virues listed till date more than 60.000 virues in windows. Fourth, Linux Supported in all platform, but windows only some platform. Windows can supported in more platform such as in PowerPC: versions 1.0 -NT 4.0; DEC Alpha: versions 1.0 – NT 4.0; MIPS R4000: versions 1.0 – NT 4.0; IA-32: versions 1.0 – 8; IA 64: version XP; x86-64: versions XP -8; ARM: version RT. Fifth, Windows has a good interface and future than linux. Linux use Gnome or KDE (Depends or distro) to default user interface but windows use Graphical (Windows Aero) to default user interface with provide many future. 
            In short, windows is friendly user with the good face and future, however linux is serverely operating system with strongly security system.

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